Friday, December 09, 2005


"Why don't you just go see someone and take the medication?" One of the most influential people in my life was telling me, without really telling me, that I needed some kind of help. So, I went. I saw someone; a mousy plain-Jane therapist named Amy. I told her of my recent breakup, my history of suicidal ideation, my OCD tendencies. I asked her about medication and she referred a psychiatrist; a no-nonsense Indian woman. She asked only the most perfunctory questions and handed me a prescription for Luvox. I began taking it precisely as described. I did not deviate from my scheduled dose. I began to feel better. Was it the Luvox or my liberation from a disastrous relationship? Was it the Luvox or that my dear friend had moved to the area and I finally had a partner in crime with whom to discover the city? Was it a combo platter of all three? I don't know. Perhaps my neurotransmitters had been dormant for so long that the Luvox was a much needed kick in the ass to get the Seratonin moving around again. I went vegan. I lost weight. Men were looking at me again. I was feelin' fine! I was promoted. I was thrown into a new schedule, new office, new cagey political work situations. I stopped making my appointments with my shrink. I stopped taking my meds as prescribed. My friend started a series of short term albeit intense relationships with recovering alcoholics she met in AA. I had lost my partner in crime. I started to eat garbage again. I saw my psychiatrist. "How much weight have you lost?" she demanded. "Forty pounds." I was proud.
"Do you know that anorexia is a side effect of Luvox?" she asked.
"Uhh, no...I am far from anorexic, I assure you...I have changed my diet..." I stammered.
Why does she seem impatient or angry with me?
"How is your sleep?" she cut me off.
"Well, I wake up throughout the night, usually every couple of hours..."
"How about friends? How many friends do you have?" she cut me off again.
I felt attacked. I felt like I was being interrogated. My eyes filled with tears.
" I have a couple...I guess."
She was staring at me, hard. "Why do you become tearful when I ask you about friends? Why do you have no friends?"
I couldn't answer her. My throat was clenched around a sob.


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