Sunday, April 23, 2006


I want Mariah Carey to stop. Stop with the tiny clothing. She is thirty six years old. The pig tails, the bare midriff, the tiny skirts and itty bitty pink terry cloth shorts. It's ridiculous. Put on some clothing. Get off of whoever the newest rapper is. Stand up like a grown woman. Sing something inspiring. Use correct grammar. Stop acting like you are a new teenaged performer. Respect yourself. Please, for the love of all humanity, cover those bosomy-like shape shifting things on your chest. I will not post a picture. Don't even ask. You all know what she's been wearing lately.

This is what happens when people become famous and ridiculously wealthy. They are surrounded by smacked-asses telling them that everything they do is great. Nobody challenges them anymore. They can't be "reeled back in." Accountability is a good thing. Some examples of other wealthy people in need of a gobsmack; Tom Cruise, Michael Jackson and several members of his family, Donald Trump, Naomi Campbell, Dubya, numerous athletes, Britney Spears, Courtney Frickin' Love, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Tara Reid, Charlie Pervert Sheen(kid's clothing? What the hell?), Pamela Anderson, ....forget it, it's endless. Oh, wait! One more! That Jocelyn Wildenstein lady who had plastic surgery to make herself look like a leopard.

Tell me who you think the most ridiculous person in need of a reality gobsmack is.


Blogger Meegs said...

Tom Cruise, definitely.

and Paris Hilton.

Oh, and Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss.

Okay, I'll stop now...

8:06 AM  
Blogger Barry S said...

Mariah is the perfect woman. That is all.

Would you please post a picture of her?

4:08 AM  
Blogger katherine said...


you post a pic of her, snarkyface.

4:00 PM  
Blogger Barry S said...

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5:53 AM  
Blogger Barry S said...

Click Me

5:58 AM  
Blogger katherine said...

Someday, I want to know how you crazy kids do all that high falutin' computer wizardry.

9:05 PM  

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