Sunday, January 01, 2006

great fatigue

I am currently experiencing a level of exhaustion that renders me unable to think of anything to write.
I am certain I am neglecting my dog and he will suffer emotional trauma that will lead to behavioral problems.
My kitchen faucet is producing the weakest little trickle of water imaginable, so dish washing is out of the question. If the dishes can't be cleaned, nothing else should, right?
If I don't do laundry today, I will have to squeeze into real clothes tomorrow instead of sweats. I have worn sweats since November. I wear them in public, to the doctor's office...everywhere. I rarely put on makeup. I have a moment of embarassment about my appearance before leaving the house or getting out of my car, but then decide that I shouldn't care. Who the hell am I? Gwenyth Paltrow? Who the hell's gonna see me? Fellow residents of Palookaville. Who cares?
I am going back to bed.
This is how my thoughts go. In a loop tape. Still I can't seem to motivate to get anything done.
I am going back to bed.
Another year.


Blogger rosebud said...

You got up too early-and you need to wake up to the delicious smell of chocolate brownies. Happy New Year-2006-sleeping and doing nothing are not a waste of time-as Bill(?) always says...there is never enough time to do all the nothing...

10:54 AM  

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