The unabridged musings of a rollercoaster-ill mind.
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Saturday, May 06, 2006
not so much
Some more digging revealed Scrappy lied about his name, age, education, former police experience and pretty much everything else he told me. He has a rap sheet about a foot long. No more coffee for me. So discouraging.
Having just embarked on a home rennovation, I have made aquaintance with our local scrap metal guy. Salt of the earth, Katherine...salt of the earth.
It turns out our scrap metal guy used to live in our house when he was a child. I asked him if there was any buried treasure in the walls. He donkeypunched me and took my watch. Salt of the earth indeed.
I am katherine, wife of nobody, mother of zero, sibling to none, friend to very few and owner of one chubby, adorable albeit flatulent puppy named Henry.
You are so good at seeing through the bullshit-I am too trusting and naive, I guess. But at least he thought coffee with you was worth it...
worth the booty he might have gotten? that's all he was thinking about.
Having just embarked on a home rennovation, I have made aquaintance with our local scrap metal guy. Salt of the earth, Katherine...salt of the earth.
It turns out our scrap metal guy used to live in our house when he was a child. I asked him if there was any buried treasure in the walls. He donkeypunched me and took my watch. Salt of the earth indeed.
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