
Dear Ms. Katherine:
We are writing about your claim for Long Term Disability Benefits. We recently contacted Dr. Arnett on March 31, 2006 requesting additional information that we need to review your claim.
We sent a second request for this information on May 2, 2006. (See enclosed) We would appreciate it if you would call this doctor and request the information be sent to us as soon as possible so that we may determine your eligibility for benefits.
I have contacted Dr. Barden Arnett at least 3 times myself between March 31st and May 2nd. I have personally taken copies of these requests to his office and watched as the receptionist placed the copies in his incoming mailbox. I decided to go to Dr. Arnett’s office and sit in the waiting room until I could appeal to him personally to comply with the request.
“Hi, Monica.” I say to his receptionist through her plexi-glass window. She sees I have brought the requests again and smiles. “I’ve come again to see if I can do anything to get these requests taken care of.”
She grins at me. “Dr. Arnett is with a patient, but as soon as he is finished, I will make sure he takes a moment to speak with you.” She is enjoying this. I have personally appealed to her each time I have called to inquire. She is professional and diplomatic in her responses, but lets me know in her tone of voice and facial expressions that she finds Dr. Arnett’s negligence in responding just as frustrating.
Patients come, patients go. I read the dated magazines in the waiting room and watch CNN. Occasionally, I see Arnett peer through to make sure I am still there. I nod to him and raise my eyebrows in an expression I hope conveys, “Still here, motherfucker.”
I watch through the 2’x 2’ square as Arnett flips through a file and consults with Monica. Finally, he comes out to the waiting area.
“Katherine…” he says as a greeting of sorts.
“Dr. Arnett.” I respond. I start to speak and as is his habit, he sees my lips start to part and he immediately interrupts me.
“I just received this request on Friday. I will get this information together and send it to them in the next couple of days.”
“Actually, Dr. Arnett, this request was sent on March 31st. I brought another copy of the request approximately two weeks ago, and you were sent a third request on May 2nd.”
“I was on vacation.” He lied.
Oh my god! You weak ass bitch. You are a fucking Doctor of Psychiatry and you are lying. This is straight out of “SCRUBS.” I look around for Ashton Kutcher. I look around for Dilbert. No, this is reality. I came to this guy for help with getting my head together.
I do not respond. How does one respond to being blatantly lied to? By a so-called medical professional? Whom you are relying upon to provide much needed information to your benefits provider so you can possibly get some income and not lose your car, your apartment and your dog?
He continues. “I didn’t know you were not intending to continue treatment with me. I usually like to meet with my patients to go over the information being sent.”
“The request is for all of my health providers between January 2005 and March 2006. If you will please send the information along with a copy of the request, I would appreciate it. I would also like to know the name of your administrator.”
He clutched the file to his chest and his head snapped hard to the left. He peered at me through his glasses with his left eye.
“Eck…Eck-scuse me? The name of muh-mmy administrator?”
“Yes. The name of your administrator. The person you report to…the person who oversees your practice within the organization.” Professional throat punch to you, you lying pussy!
“Uh, we-we-well, that would be Mary Jane McIntosh. Katherine, I assure you that the information will be sent out in the next couple of days. There’s no need to involve administration…”
“Dr. Arnett, I have no income right now. I have received no income since March 22nd. I feel it is necessary to involve someone else. You have received 3 requests. I am in limbo waiting for the determination of these benefits. The undue stress of appealing to you repeatedly for compliance is not exactly conducive to my mental health.”
With that I spin and head toward the elevator. When I reach the first floor, Dr. Arnett is already there. He hovers around the information booth. I approach anyway and ask the attendant if there’s any way I can speak to Mary Jane McIntosh. She calls her secretary. I am connected while Dr. Arnett carefully studies the coffee pot and supplies on the counter directly behind the information attendant.
I explain the situation to Mrs. McIntosh and inform her that I am leaving a copy of the requests for her with the information attendant. She promises to make sure the requests are sent the next day. She asks me, “How many requests have been sent to Dr. Arnett?” When I tell her three and that he explained to me he was on vacation during the time of the first two requests, she asks, “On vacation?” and I say, “Yes, on vacation.” To this she replies, “Mmmm-hmm. Interesting.” And then promises again the matter will be resolved the next day.
Don’t fuck with the crazy girl.
Rock on.
I'm sorry you had such a bad time with the doctor, but I'm thrilled as all hell that you gave him a huge dose of his own medicine, so to speak.
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