Sunday, May 07, 2006

something to ponder...

Consider; a carton of organic strawberries.
Consider; a box of cake mix.

The strawberries are grown with no chemicals.
The cake mix is full of chemicals.

The carton housing the strawberries is not remarkable in any way; just a clear plastic container with a sticker in the corner identifying the farm from whence they came.
The cake mix box is a full-color, photographed, graphic affair complete with cooking instructions. A design team, a graphic design company, a commercial photographer and an artist have had a hand in the creation of this box. Several mock-ups of the box were created for review by a committee of people. The winners had to be reviewed by the board of directors at the huge corporation that owns the cake mix company. the winning box had to require no telling how much money to be implemented in the box factory.

The strawberries are from a farm that does not have any marketing or advertising campaigns I have ever seen in national magazines or on televisions.
The cake mix company has full page ads in any home oriented magazine geared toward females. They also have television ads.

The strawberries are grown in dirt. They are plucked from the dirt, sorted, placed in their ordinary plastic containers and shipped.
The cake mix is produced by huge machines in huge facilities with hundreds of
employees. Fleets of trucks take gazillions of these boxes to their destinations each day.

The strawberries are damn near 5 bucks.
The cake mix is $1.00.

This kind of stuff makes me believe in conspiracy theories.

Am I mad or does this make sense?


Blogger rosebud said...

You get what you pay for. You aren't crazy-you just have expensive-and good-taste! (and a great sense of humor, too)

8:02 PM  

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