Folie `a Deux

Angelo Pantaglione was sitting on the couch in his parent's basement. He was 19 years old. He had a part time job at his mother's dress shop in the Palookaville Mall. He spent four hours per day at the shop, unpacking ladies clothing, organizing the stock area, lifting and moving fixtures, etc. He spent the remainder of the day in his parent's house, either in his room or in the basement, watching television and trying to avoid Big Tony. Five years had passed since he'd had sex with Natasha on this couch. Since that time, he'd been with a few of the C and D list girls in Palookaville. Natasha had told two of these girls about his rather incredible endowment. They were curious and wanted to see for themselves. The others, like Natasha, just wanted to have any contact they could with Tony, and figured Angelo was close enough. He'd continued a secretive relationship with Natasha for three years. They never conducted themselves as boyfriend/girlfriend. He was embarassed of her, she of his arm.They were both fine with meeting at her house while her mother was at bingo, sneaking to the basement in the middle of the night, going at it in the back seat of the now 15 year old Lincoln that he shared with his mother. He stopped seeing her abruptly when a rumor went around that she had slept with Key Largo Brown. Key Largo was the 1984 Mr. Foosball Honoree, also from Palookaville. That's not why Angelo suddenly found Natasha so undesirable. Key Largo (named for the city in which he was conceived) was black. The Pantagliones were avid racists. This was especially interesting because the Pantaglione lineage had been infiltrated by the invasion of the Moors. What was downright hilarious was Big Tony's taste in clothing and cars. Cadillacs, bright colors, yellow gold...many people in Palookaville called him "Pimp-taglione." Big Tony and Victoria were finally doing well enough to buy a new car, this time a Buick that, of course, Big Tony commandeered.
"I gotta drive a nice car, I'm a salesman. I gotta look the part! If ya wanna be successful, ya gotta look successful!" He used this logic to justify his wardrobe, which became more extravagant and less tasteful every year. He wore only Staymor Diamond Freebelt trousers. Because of his diminutive stature, they had to be special-ordered. Staymor Diamond had revolutionized men's trousers back in 1958 with the invention of the Freebelt style. It basically had an adjustable waistband with an extended tab closure that made it permissable to not wear a belt. The Staymor Diamond offices and factory were located right in Palookaville. Big Tony would go to the store located right next to the factory and make quite a show of ordering his pants and blazers, which he often paired with white patent leather loafers. This was all a part of his deep seated neurosis to create an image of success.
Truth be told, it was Victoria who was bringing home the bacon. She worked long hours at the dress shop, and made it quite successful. For years, it was the only store in town that carried designer jeans. She brought home more money than Big Tony, but it was never spoken of. Big Tony carried on making of all of the decisions; financial or otherwise. He implied in conversations that he was the primary breadwinner. He referred to Victoria's shop as "her little job" or "her little store."
There's a psychological phenomenon called Shared Psychotic Disorder. A delusion develops in an individual as a result of being in a primary relationship with a person with a prominent delusion; referred to as "the inducer." For example, if a suggestible person becomes involved with a person who believes he is Jesus Christ, they may come to believe it as well and even come to think of themselves as a disciple or Apostle or in the case of a female, Mary Magdalene. It is arguable that a less severe version of shared psychotic disorder is essentially the "glue" to any long standing primary relationship. In the case of Big Tony and Victoria, it was true.
Angelo was listening to his parents argue about him. Big Tony had come home and started drinking. Victoria had already had her two glasses of wine out of a box in the fridge.
"What's he gonna do, Vic? He can't just sit here in da basement his whole life!?!" Big Tony bellowed.
"SSSHHHH, Ant'ny, he'll hear you! He'll do something. Right now, he doesn't know...he's just a kid! Give him some time!" Victoria thought she was being quiet, but was tipsy and actually talking quite loudly. "He's not like the other kids, he's a late bloomer!"
Actually, Victoria didn't mind having Angelo around. Alegra had moved to her grandparent's house after graduation to take care of her grandfather, who had Alzheimer's. Angelo was home when Joey(referred to as the oops baby. Born when Angelo and Alegra were six. Also groomed for foosball greatness, but flunked out of college his sophomore year, lost interest in foosball and married a 40 year old woman when he was 21.) got home from school, made him a snack or dinner, did the laundry for her and the dishes. Angelo was the only help she received around the house.
"Late bloomer! Ha! He's a god damn freak! That kid's gotta get off his ass an' get a job, Vic! I ain't runnin' no flop house, here! Whassamatter with him? A grown boy should wanna little money, a nice car, a girl,... somethin'!" Big Tony came to the top of the stairs. "Angelo! Upstairs! Right now!"
Joey, 13, looked over at Angelo, frightened.
Angelo reached over and knocked Joey's baseball hat off of his head, "It's alright buddy. Don't worry like that. You look like a pussy."
Angelo leaned forward to stand up from the couch. Suddenly a twinge of pain went through his withered left arm. He clasped it with his right hand and grimaced. He remembered Joey and tried to recover. Too late. The nosey little fucker had seen him.
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