
I am such a dumbass. I started using the phrase "donkeypunch" cause I thought it sounded hilarious. I had no idea what it really meant. I will not be using the phrase as liberally in the future. For those that do not know, it is a phrase used to describe a sex act in which the male punches the female in the head at the point of orgasm, causing the abrupt contraction of the vaginal muscles, whereby intensifying the experience.
Good Lord.
We are all going straight to hell.
"Donkey Punch" has a pretty kick-ass logo...you have to admit.
If I am at all responsible for any embarassing moment you might have endured, please divulge in detail so that I may properly apologize.
I notoriously misuse words and phrases if I find a "better fit" for them. I feel lke if we would all just climb aboard the big glass bottom boat we call tolerance and fellowship over a nice hot lunch we could ultimately slay these crystal dragons we call "definitions".
This latest comment has caused me to question my blog love for you. Boys are so nasty.
Don't make me take the bloglove away,
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