
I am precarious at best. My last tether to this life is gone. What will obligate me to remain here now? A small dog with short legs, a possibility of a moment of nirvana, the promise of a different life without this ill mind? I have nothing. My few friends call and offer me help and I am grateful from the core of my being. My heart is filled momentarily, but what can they do for me? I am suddenly middle aged and I have nothing. I will lose my apartment soon, and then my car and very soon, even the ability to write on this site; something that has sustained me these many months after the hospital, the mind loss, the end of last of the reserves of my youthful ambition that allowed me to plod along and make a living for myself. And now, my poor mother, my poor miserable mother with her sad limited life; the only person who checked in with me on a regular basis, the only person I felt I had to try to function for, my last frayed thread of a link, is gone so suddenly and so shockingly and I have no last resort. How lucky are the masses with their faith and hope and fabricated alliances and caution to the wind offspring that anchor them to the earth. I have nothing. A small dog with short legs, non-committal relatives burdened with their own lives, friends with normal relationships and support systems who earnestly ask, "What can I do for you?" and I think, "Can you give me a reason to get through this next hour? and can you call me in an hour and give me another? Can you give me a new family; the one I dream about from New England? The one with boundaries and efficacy and resources? The one with manageable addictions, college educations, no genetic predispositions to mental illness, some appropriate sense of obligation, belief systems rooted in logic and reasonable demeanors? Can you give me that please? That's all I need." I have nothing. And I know I have more than some. That doesn't comfort me right now.
You have YOU-and that is all any of us really have. We are born struggling to survive and we must continue that struggle forever...you have so much to offer so many-you, especially, must continue your struggle. Each face you paint, blog you write, walk you take etc adds something to the world and to so many others in it. Please keep writing for now while you grieve for your mother. She gave birth to you but was not your reason to live-but at least in her memory, LIVE!!! I love you. I'm just too chicken to drive over there as I should...@)->>--
I am reading a review of a book called"Stumbling On Happiness" by Daniel Gilbert and here is a quote from the last paragraph of the review by Scott Stossel,
"...healthy people can be deluded into greater happiness when granted the mere illusion of control over their environment; the clinically depressed recognize the illusion for what it is. All in all, it's yet more evidence that unhappy people have the more accurate view of reality-and that learning how to kid ourselves may be a key to mental health."
you don't know me; i know barry; and your blog, so funny, so smart and so amazingly well-written, has been a tremendous source of solace for me and my weird off-kelter brain. i'm sorry stuff seems so dark right now. have you thought about going pro with this writing thing? i think you could...
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